Does the Secret Service jail dissenters in mental hospitals?

  Does the Secret Service jail dissenters in mental hospitals?

Back on June 21 of 2004 Secret Service agent Ray LeBeau asked the Phoenix police to arrest Kevin Walsh and take him to a mental institution. Secret Service agent Ray LeBeau said more or less that Kevin was crazy and needed mental help. This can be confirmed by reading the police reports on pages 5 thru 7. The Phoenix police arrested Kevin at an apartment complex in Tempe, then describe how they attacked kevin and took his gun away from him, and later took Kevin to the Maricopa County psych ward as requested by Secrect Service agent Ray LeBeau.

Bryon Wells in a Mesa or East Valley Tribune article on Tueday June 29 also wrote that the Secret Service had arrested Kevin Walsh and jailed him in a Mesa mental institution.

Also in both the phoenix police reports, and Bryon Wells' article in the Tribune it the Secret Service (Ray LeBeau) also said that Kevin Walsh made a threat on the life of the president of the United States. Kevin denied making any threats about the president in the Tribune article. It has been 9 months since Kevin was locked up by the Secret Service but they have not charged him with any federal crimes. My question is that if the secret service had the "probable cause" to arrest Kevin for threatening the president how come they did not arrest him and charge him for that crime? Myself, I don't think they ever had the probable cause needed to arrest Kevin.

About monday June 7 secret service agent Ray LeBeau called Kevin Walsh's home and asked him to contact him at (602)722-8026. According to a message Kevin posted on the ASH sig Kevin called the number and left a message to Agent Ray Lebeau telling him that he didn't want to speak to him and asking Ray LeBeau not to bother Kevin's family any more. The Phoenix police report also says that Agent Ray LeBeau wanted to talk to Kevin but that Kevin refused to contact him. My big question on this is how did the Secret Service have any evidence that Kevin was crazy if the Secret Service never spoke to Kevin Walsh?

According to Kevin Walsh after he was in the mental hospital for about 3 to 4 months the Secret Service did subpoena his mental health records. I suspect that was a fishing trip to see if Kevin's doctors got Kevin to admit threatining the president. I don't think they got any evidence because it has been 9 months since Kevin's initial arrest and Kevin has not been charged with any federal crimes.

Why would the Secret Service jail political disenters in mental instutitions? Probably because it is a damn easy way to lock someone up forever without convicting him of a crime.

Under ARS 36-520 anyone can request that a person be declared insane and locked up.

36-520. Application for evaluation; definition A. Any responsible individual may apply for a court-ordered evaluation of a person who is alleged to be, as a result of a mental disorder, a danger to self or to others, persistently or acutely disabled, or gravely disabled and who is unwilling or unable to undergo a voluntary evaluation

Once you have asked the person to be locked up, ARS 36-525 allows the police to jail him without any evidence execpt for the fact that someone said he was insane.

And at the person's court hearing if you can get one judge (that's one judge, not a jury of 12 people) to agree that the person is insane the judge can jail the person for three months to a year without all the hassles of having a jury trial or convincing anyone other than the judge that the person is insane. the judge can jail the person for 90 days if he thinks the person is a danger to himself, 180 days if a danger to others, 365 days if gravely disabled. That sure sounds a lot easier than digging up some non-existent evidence that Kevin threatened the president.

The Secret Service never said in the police reports exactly what they claimed Kevin threatened to do to the president of the United States, nor did the say who told them that Kevin threatened to kill the president of the United States.

According to Kevin, he never threatened the president. Kevin said a Republican phone solicitor called his family and asked them to support and vote for to keep President Bush in office for four more years. Kevin did say that he told the phone solicitor that he "wished the president were dead", something that is probably stupid to say but perfectly legal. The phone solicitor was also at the hearing where Kevin was declared insane, but Kevin's lawyer prevented the phone solicitor from testifying because he said it would be heresay evidence.

[My lawyer at the time was Vince Triano. Ms. Martin had not yet taken over my case. --Kevin Walsh]

How did the Secret Service come to the conclusion that Kevin Walsh is crazy and needs mental health care? I dont know. That wasn't stated in any of the articles? The Secret Service never gave any info on why they made the claim. Kevin has not given me any reasons on why the Secret Service would say he is crazy.

What type of crazy has the court classified Kevin as?

Probably schizophrenia, because the drugs they are forcing Kevin to take are commonly used to treat schizophrenia.

[The two psychiatrists who testified at my hearing both claimed I had the "psychotic disorder, not otherwise specified," which is to say they thought I was mentally ill but could not figure out what illness I supposedly had. When risperidone was ordered for me, I asked if I was considered schizophrenic, but I was told I was not. Eventually I was told I had been diagnosed as having the delusional disorder. --Kevin Walsh]

What is schizophrenia? It is a broad cover-all illness. It can be any thing from being "paranoid" to the extreme of being a "manaic depressive" or "bi-polar disorder" which is the new politically correct term for it.

[I was always given to understand that schizophrenia and the bipolar disorder were two different illnesses. --Kevin Walsh]

Schizophrenia is also a "cover-all term" if they don't know what's wrong with you, they call you schizo. The doctors themselves will tell you they don't have a good understanding of schizophrenia but see this web page for more details.


1) this is a summary of the Arizona laws that can be used to lock up people considered crazy.

all the stuff in the summary is taken from Title 36 of the Arizona Revised Statues

2) It seems like Secret Service Special Agent Ray LeBeau is the person who claims that Kevin Walsh threatened the life of the president, and also had Kevin jailed for being crazy. His direct number is:


Secret Service
3200 N Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012

3) Kevin has had two public defenders. One defended him in the case where the Secret Service declared that he was insane. the other is defending Kevin in the case where he is accused of assulting the Phoenix cops who arrested him for the Secret Service. They both work for the Maricopa County Attorney's Public Defender's Office.

Jennifer Stewart - (602)???-????
Tenny Martin - (602)560-0920

Kevin told me that his mom and lawyers have copies of all his mental health records of while he was jailed at Desert Vista hospital in Mesa.

4) The police reports are at this URL. There are 14 pages of them, and they have all been scanned as gif images

pages 5 thru 7 report on what the Phoenix cops did from the time Secret Service Agent Ray LeBeau asked them to arrest Kevin, to their arresting Kevin, and their taking Kevin to the Maricopa County psych hospital as requested by the Secret Service

5) This is a copy of the (Mesa) East Valley Tribune article written about Kevin's arrest

East Valley Tribune
120 W. First Avenue
Mesa, AZ 85210
(480) 898-6500

6) Kevin Walsh is currently in the Maricopa County jail and can be contacted at

Kevin Walsh
PO16319 6-1-B11
Madison Jail
225 West Madison Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003

[I was transfered from jail to prison on 15 August 2005 and released 20 January 2006. --Kevin Walsh]

Kevin told me that his mom and lawyers have copies of all his mental health records of while he was jailed at Desert Vista hospital in Mesa.

7) When Kevin Walsh was orginally arrested, and after he was commited he was jailed at this mental hospital run by Maricopa County. Kevin's hearing or trial where he was declared insane was also held at this mental hospital.

Desert Vista Campus
Maricopa Medical Center
570 Brown Road
Mesa, Arizona

8) Some refernces on schizophrenia

9) The phone solicitor who reported Kevin Walsh to the Secret Service is probably one of these people


             (602) 957-9830
             (602) 553-9696
             3165 E LINCOLN DR
             PHOENIX AZ 85016 

             (520) 327-3401
             711 N SWAN
             TUCSON AZ 85711 

             VIP REALTY
             (480) 839-1122
             (877) 576-6793
             P O BOX 27448
             TEMPE AZ 85285-7448< 

             2352 EAST CHERYL DRIVE
             PHOENIX AZ 85028 

             (480) 595-8181
             34462 NORTH SCOTTSDALE RD STE B-4
             SCOTTSDALE AZ 85262 

WEISS LEE J  Inactive 


WEISS STEPHEN J  Self Employed Broker
             STEPHEN J WEISS
             11146 E BECK LANE
             SCOTTSDALE AZ 85255 

             (480) 451-1000
             (480) 391-4080
             9035 EAST MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD
             SCOTTSDALE AZ 85258 


Kevin Walsh was a political prisoner who was jailed in a mental hospital by the Secret Service for his anti-Bush statements. Kevin Walsh had committed no crimes and the Secret Service had no evidence to charge Kevin Walsh with any crimes.