I tried to get copies of Kevin’s court hearings but the folks at the Maricopa County records say they are secret and I can't view them unless I get power of attorney from Kevin.
The records people are at: Clerk of the Superior CourtKevin's case number is: MH2004-000976Kevin told me that his doctors say neither he nor the Secret Service can view copies of his records. Kevin said the Secret Service is going to get a subpoena to get copies of his records. I asked the county clerk about that and he said he could not find anything in his records about a subpoena from the Secret Service. Perhaps they used a federal court to get copies of Kevin’s records I guess my next try is to call the goons at the federal court and see if any subpoenas exist regarding Kevin’s records Also I have two possible paths of action In the police report that the Phoenix Police very specifically said that the Secret Service accused Kevin of threatening the life of the president. This is very odd because I assume that if Kevin was accused of threatening the president I suspect the Secret Service would have arrested him. Because of this I believe Kevin is telling the truth when he says he didn’t threaten the president I think if we can get the reports the Secret Service made and they show the telephone solicitor didn’t accuse Kevin of threatening to kill the president but say that Kevin just said that he wished the president were dead it would discredit the Secret Service. I suspect the Secret Service won't give those records out for that reason. Perhaps we could get Kevin’s lawyer to force them to give the records to the Arizona court. The second path is according to Kevin his doctors said they were going to release him last Aug but the Secret Service squashed the release. If we could get those records it would also make the Secret Service look bad. FREE KEVIN WALSH home Page Kevin Walsh was a political prisoner who was jailed in a mental hospital by the Secret Service for his anti-Bush statements. Kevin Walsh had committed no crimes and the Secret Service had no evidence to charge Kevin Walsh with any crimes. |