Some comments from Kevin Walsh since he has been released

Kevin's postings on the Arizona Secular Humanists Yahoo Group

Kevin's postings on the World Labour Yahoo Group

Kevin's first internet posting upon release

Kevin's first visit to the Maricopa County Adult Probation Department's main office

Kevin visits his former boss on whose jobsite he was arrested

Religious issues in prison

Kevin visits his Value Options psychiatrist

Petition to modify conditions of probation

Prosecution's response to petition to modify conditions of probation

Supposedly Kevin is banned from the Industrial Commission Building

Update on Industrial Commission Building ban

Judge Gama denies petition to modify terms of probation

someone has Kevin removed from

Dr. Ali asks Kevin's advice on psychiatric and legal matters

TASC refuses emergency medical care

Kevin denounces director of Industrial Commission for nonfeasance in public office

Industrial Commission denies records on ban exist

Kevin's probation officer visits him at home

Kevin discusses work and wages in prison

Kevin reflects on his first year of probation

security at the Probation Office rises to extreme levels

the phantom drug test

a new psychiatrist every visit

strange rumours spread about Kevin on gun rights list

Both the Probation Department and Value Options seem to have adopted a policy of benign neglect in Kevin's case

Kevin's new probation officer says no more psychiatric treatment

Kevin comments on the case of Samuel Compton, whom he met in jail

Magellan Health Services stonewalls Kevin's request for his psychiatric records

records request denied, false accusation made, idiotic reason given

Kevin finally gets his records (some of them anyway)

Kevin files another petition to modify the terms of his probation

Belinda Rouzaud tells more lies about reasons records were denied

Kevin's Probation and Psychiatric Treatment End

Scottsdale Police harass Kevin nearly seven years later

Free Kevin Walsh