Laro 07/06/055 July 2005 Mike, I believe the last letter I sent to you was the one in May. My apologies for the amount of time that elapses between letters. It is difficult to explain the range of emotions I experience in this place on a daily basis. From the time I am awakened in the morning until I try and go to sleep about 9:30, I experience a whole gamut of emotions. Sometimes I am angry, sometimes sad, and at other times I just feel like hiding out and guarding what bit of stability remains. That stability evolves around my being able to balance the daily routine against my emotional dynamic. Writing doesn't always come easy. At times I am inspired to detail every feeling and sensation. I need to rant and rave and vent my fury at this unjust imprisonment. I rail against the bastards who have done this to my family and myself. I anguish over the destruction of my family's stability. These things, and many more take place within my heart and mind each and every day. I can't always sit and write. It sometimes takes an incredible effort. I appreciate getting your mail Mike. I love the articles and have been sharing them with others. I am always sure to share them with Marc as well. He asked me to say hello to you. The pieces you send keep me informed and up to date with what is going on in the real world. The world outside of here. Hey, just so you know. The warden here has very few fans. The inmates hold her in very low regard. The C.O.s bitch about her constantly. (I even hear their conversations.) She is really rather incompetent and condescending. Her attitude is one of false concern and aloofness. I watch her during the day when she is micromanaging the chow hall. Those are the times I become angry! I'm enclosing a commissary slip. Prices and products change routinely, but it would seem we've got it a little better than Arpaio's victims. Peace and Solidarity, Laro