Anybody can buy a $5 phone card and get 500 minutes of phone calls for one cent a minute. But the Arizona Department of Corrections rips the inmates off and charges them $6 to $10 for a 20 minute phone call!
Kevin Walsh 28 November 2005 Dear Ganesh, I finally got a chance to look at the package you sent me a few weeks ago. Almost all of it was stuff you had sent me in jail, so I was already familiar with it. I have asked Mr. Holler and several other people how much my mother is charged for my telephone calls to her. I was told it depends on where she is, and estimates for calls to the Phoenix area from here range from $6 to $10 for a 20 minute call. She is billed when she pushes the button accepting the collect-call charges. My mother is the only person I am permitted to call because the prior policy is that inmates may only call those on their approved visitor list. To answer your question about chili pepper, our commissary list includes jalapanos and picante sauce but no chili peppers, nor are they served in the dining hall. If you could convince the prison doctor you had a medical need for them to maintain clear sinuses, you might arrange to have them included as part of a special diet. Otherwise you would have no access to them. Mr. Holler has suspended all work on the inmate newsletter indefinitely. There is plenty for me to do. I have been typing the tests for parenting class. I am also typing material for the employability class. Yours, Kevin