Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 12:23:18 -0700 (PDT) From: ****************************** Subject: Secret Service uses mental hospitals to jail political dissenters? To: CC:,, |
Dear Vin Suprynowicz:
Perhaps you could write about this guy. It appears that the Secret Service uses mental hospitals to jail people it considers undesirable to get around the messy problems of jailing people with out evidence in the criminal justice system. And if they are doing it in this case they are probably doing it in other cases. One of my naive Libertarian friends said "the Secret Service just can't jail somebody for bad mouthing the president," but that looks like what has been done in the case of Kevin Walsh. He bad mouthed the president and got tossed in a mental institution by the Secret Service. Of course it probably wasn't the bad mouthing that did it alone. The Secret Service probably didn't like the fact that Kevin Walsh was a communist, and a gun owner, and that he had a concealed weapon permit and always carried a gun, and that he was an anti-war activists who was very vocal about his hate for the U.S. governments wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the U.S. governments support of Israel, and maybe perhaps because he is an atheist. I suspect that he was all of the above reasons the Secret Service jailed Kevin in Desert Vista Mental Hospital which is a mental hospital run by the state of Arizona in Mesa. If the Secret Service had any evidence that Kevin Walsh had made a threat on the life of the President of the United States they would have arrested him, jailed him in a federal jail, and charged him in a federal court with the crime of threatening the life of the president. And of course they also would have made lots of press releases to the media telling how the heroic Secret Service agents jailed a bad guy and made America much safer to live, and of course later used this publicity to ask for more money to run the Secret Service when funding time comes around in Congress. Of course they didn't do that. Secret Service Agent Ray LeBeau asked the Phoenix Police to arrest Kevin Walsh and take him not to a jail but to the Maricopa County Psyc Ward because he needed "mental health treatment". Nobody know why or how Secret Service Agent Ray La Beau came up with the idea that Kevin Walsh needed "mental health treatment". It seems almost impossible that Secret Service Agent Ray La Beau could come up with this on his own since he had never met or spoken with Kevin Walsh. I think he came up with the idea because it would be an easy way to jail Kevin Walsh and take away his guns with out going thru the criminal courts. And of course the day after the mental health court order Kevin Walsh to be treated for 180 days Secret Service Agent Ray LeBeau showed up with the Phoenix Police at Kevin Walsh's home to seize his guns. Kevin Walsh was at home and he got a telephone call from a Republican telephone solicitor who asked the Walsh family to support President Bush for four more years and help re-elect Bush for another term. Kevin an anti-war activist who hates Bush legally but stupidly told the Republican telephone solicitor that "he wished Bush were dead". The phone solicitor over reacted and reported Kevin Walsh to the Secret Service. And of course the Secret Service over reacted and had Kevin arrested by the Phoenix Police and jailed in Desert Vista Mental Health Hospital in Mesa, Arizona. Ten days after his arrest at a mental health court hearing the court ordered Kevin Walsh to get treatment at the Arizona State Mental Hospital System for 180 days or six months. About 10 days into his mental health treatment at Desert Vista Hospital Kevin's doctors said that he was not a threat to him self or anyone else and could be released and go home, but continue to get treatment at the hospital. Of course that had to be approved by the Secret Service and they shot it down and demanded that Kevin be kept in Desert Vista Hospital. After Kevin had been jailed in Desert Vista Mental Hospital for about 4 months the whole thing begin to look like a fishing trip by the Secret Service using the doctors to question Kevin Walsh under the guise of "mental health treatment", but really looking for evidence or "probable cause" that Kevin had threatened the life of the President. At that time the Secret Service got a court order to subpoena the mental health records of Kevin Walsh's treatment at Desert Vista Mental Hospital. About a week after the Secret Service got the records it was apparent that Kevin Walsh had not threatened the life of the President and Kevin was released from Desert Vista Mental Hospital. Kevin was not and has not been charged with any crimes by the Federal government or the Secret Service. This was not the end of Kevin Walsh's problems. When the Phoenix Police arrested him he tried to pull his gun out and kill himself. Or perhaps commit suicide by cop and have the cops kill him as the police reports state that Kevin yelled a number of times "kill me, kill me, kill me". After Kevin was released from Desert Vista Mental Hospital he was charged with three counts of assaulting a police officer with a deadly weapon and is now being held in Maricopa County Jail waiting to go on trail. And the jailing of Kevin Walsh by the Secret Service was all done in secrecy. The Secret Service didn't issue any press releases about his arrest. The Secret Service didn't tell the media anything. And in fact when Bryon Wells, a reporter with the East Valley Tribune, asked the Secret Service to make a statement about the arrest they refused. Secret Service Spokesman Chuck Woolford told the Tribune reporter he declined to comment, saying "the agency never confirms or denies ongoing investigations". Tribune reporter Bryon Wells got all his information he used in the article from the Police Reports that the Phoenix Police made after they arrested Kevin Walsh for the Secret Service. Bryon Wells also had a telephone interview with Kevin Walsh and stated Kevin Walsh's side of the story in his article. I have scanned the Phoenix Police reports about the arrest and they can be seen on the web at: Kevin's court hearing at Desert Vista Mental Hospital in Mesa was open to the public all the court records are secret and not available to the public. Nine months after Kevin's arrest I made a Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request demanding the information about his arrest by the Secret Service. The Secret Service turned down my request and said I could not have the information. There are only two things I consider bad about Kevin Walsh. First he is a communist. While some Libertarians think commies are real bad I don't see them as being much different then Republicans or Democrats who are both have pretty much become socialists. The other bad thing about Kevin is he is a racist. I don't agree with his racist views but I am sure there are millions of other Americans like him who are also racists. And just because you stupid and are a racist it is still wrong for the government to jail stupid people. ***********************8 Phone NUMBERS
Kevin Walsh (his home) (602)956-0997 URLS Web page - Police Reports - Tribune Article - Addresses Kevin Walsh A letter I wrote to all the House and Senate members in the State of Arizona complaining about allowing the Secret Service to jail political dissenters in Arizona mental institutions. Dear Sirs: Free speech is one of the most important American rights. Even if you disagree with elected official it should be your right to criticize them, or support them. Same for free speech about the war in Iraq. Doesn't matter if you think the Iraq war is bringing democracy to the world, or hate the war and think it is turning America into a police state and that the USA is a world bully you should be able to freely speak your mind about it. Everybody including Republicans, Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, Communists, Socialist and all other political parties should have the right of free speech. Even idiots and jerks should have the right of free speech. Even if a person is a racist or sexist pig they should have the right to talk about their stupid beliefs. And people of all beliefs including Christians, Atheists, Muslims, Hindus should also have the right of free speech. I was very surprised to find out the Arizona Mental Health System is being used by the Secret Service to jail political dissenters who disagree with President Bush. And that Arizona laws allow the information about people who have been jailed in the mental health system, by the Secret Service for political reasons to be kept secret. Jailing people in Arizona Mental Institutions for being political dissenters is WRONG. Keeping the records secret of these people jailed in mental institutions for being political dissenters is also wrong! I hope you will do something to try to stop this horrible practice. Back in May of 2004, a republican telephone solicitor called Kevin Walsh and asked the Walsh family to support and re-elect George W. Bush to four more years in the White House as President of the United States. Kevin Walsh, an anti-war activist used his free speech to tell the phone solicitor that he "wished Bush were dead". Although it was stupid to say that, it was not a crime and it was perfectly legal form of free speech. The telephone solicitor over reacted and reported the incident to the Secret Service. The Secret Service did not have enough evidence to arrest Kevin for threatening the President so instead they asked the Phoenix Police to arrest Kevin and have him jailed not for any crimes he had committed, but because said that Mr. Walsh needed mental health treatment. That is odd. How does Secret Service Special Agent Ray Lebeau who has never met or talked to Kevin Walsh come up with the plan that Mr. Walsh needs to be locked in the Maricopa County Psych ward because he needs mental health treatment? Probably because Mr. Walsh said that, "he wished the President were dead." And maybe because Mr. Walsh is an anti-war activist, and perhaps because Mr. Walsh is a communist, and perhaps because Mr. Walsh is a gun owner with a concealed weapons permit, and perhaps because Mr. Walsh is a bigot. I bet all of the reason combined just terrified the Agent Lebeau about Mr. Walsh. But not of them should have been used to allow Agent Lebeau to arrest Mr. Walsh. The Phoenix Police arrested Kevin Walsh on Monday, June 21 of 2004 and jailed him in the Maricopa County Psych Ward at the request of Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau. If Kevin Walsh had threatened the President, the Secret Service would have arrested Mr. Walsh and charged him with a crime in a federal court. They didn't. Instead, the Secret Service asked the Phoenix Police to arrest Mr. Walsh in jail him in the Maricopa County Psyc ward, not for any crimes Mr. Walsh was accused of committing, but because Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau said that Mr. Walsh needed "mental treatment". Ten days later on July 1, 2004 at Desert Vista Mental Health Center in Mesa Mr. Walsh had a mental health hearing at the request of Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau. Mr. Lebeau testified that Kevin was a danger to society and the mental health court ordered Kevin to be jailed for medical treatment for 180 days. Kevin's mental health hearing was open to the public. However, per Arizona law the transcripts of the trial and the results of the trial are secret and not open to the public. Therefore, it is impossible to find out what the Secret Service is accusing Kevin of doing or find out what evidence the court used to convict Kevin of "being crazy." This is scary. The Secret Service is using the Arizona mental health system to jail its enemies and we can't even get court records of why they are jailed. The only public records we have about the jailing of Kevin Walsh are the police reports from when Secret Service Agent requested the Phoenix Police to arrest Mr. Walsh. In an article written by Bryon Wells in the Mesa Tribune or Arizona Tribune he asked the Secret Service to comment on the case and Chuck Woolford, a spokesman for the Secret Service, declined to comment, saying the agency never confirms or denies ongoing investigations. Nine months after Kevin's arrest I filed a Federal Freedom of Information Request with the Secret Service. The Secret Service refused to provide any information in response to the Freedom of Information Request. I have written Desert Vista Hospital and the Maricopa Medical Courts asking for Kevin records thru the US Post Office several months ago but they never responded to my requests. From the mediations they are forcing Kevin Walsh to take which are risperidone and lithium carbonate so I suspect they are accusing Kevin of being schizophrenic because those drugs are used to treat schizophrenics. The last thing that happened also seems to indicate the Kevin Walsh was just jailed in a mental institution by the Secret Service as a ploy to use the doctors question him. After being jailed at Desert Vista Hospital for about four months the Secret Service subpoenaed Kevin's mental health records in what looked like an attempt by the Secret Service to have the doctors get him to confess to crimes he was accused of during his mental health treatment. Of course Kevin has denied threatening the President all along and the information the Secret Service got from the subpoena didn't get any evidence that could be used to charge Kevin with a crime in a federal court. A few days after the Secret Service had the subpoenaed data Kevin was released from the mental health system which also makes it look like the whole incident was a sham used by the Secret Service to get the mental health workers question their suspect. The fact that they are probably accusing Kevin of having the illness of schizophrenic is another indication that Kevin is being jailed for political reasons. Schizophrenia is not an illness that you can use a blood test or other chemical test to verify that a person has the "schizophrenia virus". Nope there are not any tests to verify you have schizophrenia. What happens is a doctor talks to the patient for a period of time and says "you know I think the person has schizophrenia". It is totally subjective. Twenty doctors could talk to the person and half of them say the person is schizo, and half say the person is not schizo. To jail a person in the Arizona Mental health system for being schizo all you have to do is get one doctor to say "the guy is schizo" and get the judge to agree with that doctor and order the guy jailed. While other doctors may argue that the guy isn't schizo there is no way to prove it, or force the judge to let the guy out. And for that reason schizophrenia is often used to label people as crazy when you want to jail them for being political dissenters. Many people when they hear the word schizophrenia they think it is a illness that people who run around murdering every person they see with an ax. That is a common misnomer that is wrong. Mental health experts will tell you that less then 1 percent of the people who have schizophrenia are dangerous to others. In fact that a person with schizophrenia is more likely to be withdrawn and keep to themselves rather then be violent. Again this raise suspicions that Kevin was classified as a schizophrenia and declared dangerous to let the Secret Service jail him as a political prisoner rather then because he is really dangerous to people. This seems rather unlike since if Kevin was really schizophrenia, most schizophrenia people are not a danger to anyone. I hope that you will do something to expose the fact the Arizona government is allowing the Secret Service to use the mental health system to jail political prisoners. While Kevin Walsh is the only person I know who is being jailed as a political prisoner by the Secret Service I suspect that since the Secret Service is doing it to Kevin they are also doing it to other people. I also hope you will do something to get the laws changed so that when people are jailed for "being crazy" that the information is not secret as it is now and so the public can see what is going on. This is the only way to prevent abuse of the system. Kevin Walsh also has a few weird views that will make him unpopular among many people. Even though he has those weird views it is still wrong to jail him for his political views about President Bush. Some of Kevin's weird views are 1) he is an atheist 2) he is a communistic 3) he is a bigot 4) he is against the Iraq war 5) he is a gun owner and has a concealed weapons permit. Since Kevin has been released from the mental health system he has been held in the Maricopa County Jail on charges that he resisted arrest when he was initially arrested by the Phoenix Police for the Secret Service. Kevin can be contacted at either: Kevin Walshor at his home Kevin WalshThanks *********** Article in Mesa Tribune
Valley man held after threat to president A Phoenix man has been involuntarily committed to a Mesa psychiatric hospital at the direction of a U.S. Secret Service agent who said the man threatened the life of President Bush. Phoenix S.W.A.T. team members tracked Kevin J. Walsh, 37, to Quadrangles Village apartments, 1255 E. University Drive, Tempe, where he was working as a groundskeeper June 21, according to police records. They approached him with weapons drawn and ordered him to the ground. Walsh reached for a semiautomatic pistol in a shoulder holster and was yelling, "Go ahead and please kill me" and "kill me, kill me," reports stated. The officers subdued Walsh and took him to Desert Vista Behavioral Health Center, 570 W. Brown Road, where he remained Sunday. In a telephone interview, Walsh said he has never made a threat against the president, and that he believes he was unlawfully detained by what he called an "ambush" by the police and Secret Service. "I was arrested and held illegally," Walsh said. "They have way too much power to be doing this stuff." Walsh said he believes government interest in him stems from his political involvement in posting news and other information on the Internet in support of the "Iraqi resistance." Walsh also said he believes somebody reported him to the Secret Service after hearing him making comments wishing harm to Bush during a conversation with a Bush campaign worker. "I said Bush was terrible and deserved to be killed, but I never said I would do it," Walsh said. There was no other information about the threat in police records. Bush has made frequent stops to the Valley during his presidency, and is scheduled to appear at an October presidential debate at Gammage Auditorium at Arizona State University. Chuck Woolford, a spokesman for the Secret Service, declined to comment, saying the agency never confirms or denies ongoing investigations. "I'm not going to comment on anything about Kevin Walsh," he said. Phoenix police records indicate that Secret Service special agent Ray Lebeau requested help from Phoenix police to look for Walsh and that he was in need of psychiatric evaluation. Lebeau also told the officers that Walsh made an unspecified threat on the president. In two e-mail messages sent to the Tribune earlier this month, Walsh wrote that a Secret Service agent had been calling his home in Phoenix, trying to visit him there and calling family members asking to talk to him. Walsh said he was refusing to talk to the agent, and that he believed the agent was harassing him. As a result of his detention, Walsh said he is being forced to take behavioral drugs and submit to psychiatric evaluation. Walsh said that a hearing is scheduled for Thursday at the hospital, where officials will determine whether he is a danger to himself or others because of a thought disorder, and whether he should be confined for more treatment. If committed, Walsh said he could be confined for up to 180 days at the hospital and required to submit to up to a year of outpatient treatment. Walsh said he was reaching for the gun to shoot himself, and that he resisted the officers because he feared the police and Secret Service would mistreat him in custody. Phoenix police have recommended that Walsh be charged with three counts of aggravated assault, saying that he attempted to draw his weapon and shoot the officers.
FREE KEVIN WALSH home Page Kevin Walsh was a political prisoner who was jailed in a mental hospital by the Secret Service for his anti-Bush statements. Kevin Walsh has committed no crimes and the Secret Service has no evidence to charge Kevin Walsh with any crimes. |