Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 14:16:11 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Abuses of power by the Secret Service - Perhaps you can help make the public aware of this abuse To:,,
Abuses of power by the Secret Service.
Dear 2600:
Perhaps 2600 could help publicize this abuse of power by the Secret Service.
We have all read the stories of where a person in a country run by a dictatorship says something bad about the government ruler, is overheard by someone who reports them to the authorities, and then jailed in a mental hospital by the secret police to be re-educated to learn that it's wrong to bad mouth the government.
Most Americans naively assume that never happens in the U.S.A. Wrong! Ask Kevin Walsh who is currently being jailed in a mental institution in Arizona at the request of the Secret Service for bad mouthing president Bush.
Kevin's nightmare with the Secret Service begin in May of 04 when a Republican telephone solicitor called the Walsh family and asked them to help re-elect President Bush for four more years of war or whatever reason they give.
Kevin using his First Amendment right stupidly but legally told the Republican telephone solicitor that President Bush was a war criminal and he wished the president was dead. Something that's legal to do but not too bright to do when your dealing with jack booted government thugs.
The Republican telephone solicitor reported Kevin Walsh to the Secret Service who had the Phoenix Police tail Kevin and eventually arrest Kevin, and jail him in a mental hospital in Mesa, Arizona.
The Secret Service didn't and still has not accused Kevin Walsh of any crimes. Nor has else accused Kevin Walsh of committing any crimes or planning to commit any crimes.
Why was Kevin Walsh jailed? Secret Service Special Agent Ray Lebeau filed paper work with the State of Arizona claiming that Kevin Walsh was mentally ill and a danger to himself and society.
That is very odd considering that Secret Service agent Ray Lebeau doesn't know Kevin Walsh nor has he ever met Kevin Walsh. With that in mind you would figure that Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau is certainly not in a position where he could claim that Kevin is crazy, much less file paper work demanding that the State of Arizona lock up Kevin for being crazy?
No one else who knows Kevin Walsh , neither his friends or enemies has claimed Mr. Walsh is crazy and demanded that the State of Arizona lock him up. The only person making that demand is Ray Lebeau of the Secret Service.
Maybe Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau is a hot shot psychiatrist or head shrink who can just look at people and determine if they are crazy. Maybe Mr. Lebeua had Kevin locked up on that for that reason? Nope Ray Lebeau is educated as a police officer not a head shrink. Secret Service Special Agent Ray Lebeau does not have any degrees or education in the mental health or medical fields. Again with that in mind you would figure Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau certainly not in a position to file paper work calming that Kevin Walsh is a danger to himself and society and need to be locked up.
Kevin probably could have gotten out of this mess if he had taken the Fifth and refused to talk to the police psychiatrists. But Kevin naively waived his rights and talked to the government psychiatrists with out a lawyer being present and they used whatever he said as an excuse to lock him up as crazy. [The Fifth Amendment does not apply to psychiatrists in a court-ordered evaluation. I could have refused to talk to them, but they could have diagnosed me anyway based on observed behaviours. --Kevin Walsh]
Ten days later after his arrest in a kangaroo court hearing two-government psychiatrists rubber-stamped Secret Service Agent Ray Lebeau's statement that Kevin was crazy and the judge ordered him locked up in the Arizona State Mental Hospital for up to 180 days (6 months). Kevin's court appointed legal consul told the court that Kevin's civil rights were being violated but that didn't do much good and Kevin was jailed.
After a week of treatment Kevin's psychiatrists claimed that Kevin was not insane, and that Kevin should be released. They set Kevin's release date to be July 24. That date was after the 10 day notice the mental health workers have to give to the Secret Service, notifying them that they were releasing Kevin. [The psychiatrists did not claim I was sane, only that I was ready to be released to the community with mandatory drug prescriptions and psychiatric visits. I was not to be relieved of treatment, merely to be treated as an outpatient. --Kevin Walsh]
Of course this story didn't have a happy ending. The Secret Service stopped Kevin's July 24 release. A month later as of Aug 24 while I am writing this Kevin is still jailed in a mental hospital in Mesa, Arizona with no release date in sight. I suspect when his court ordered six-month commitment of 180 days (six months) ends the Secret Service will demand that it be extended another 6 months and the kangaroo court will rubber stamp it..
If you want to do a story about Kevin he can be contacted from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Arizona time by the telephone. The phone will be answered by Kevin or one of his fellow inmates. Arizona law says his calls can't be monitored but are you going to trust the government? Kevin's number is: (480)344-2193
He is being detained at Desert Vista Mental Hospital in Mesa Arizona which is a suburb of Phoenix. He can be visited there in daytime hours. The address is:
Desert Vista Campus If you wish to contact Kevin by mail its best to send it to his home. That Address is:
Kevin Walsh
It would be nice if you could but a link on your 2600 web page to these two web pages, which are protesting this abuse of power by the Secret Service. The web pages are:
Why is Kevin Walsh being jailed as a political prisoner? Perhaps it is because he said bad things about President Bush? If that is true any of us Bush haters could be jailed for bad mouthing the president. Not a nice thought!
Or maybe it's because Kevin Walsh is also a gun owner. I know they have flushed the Second Amendment down the toilet in New York and disarmed the citizens of the state where 2600 is located. But in Arizona the Second Amendment is not null and void and we have lots of guns. Kevin Walsh has a concealed weapon permit issued by the State of Arizona and he always is armed with a gun for self-defense. Perhaps that's why the Secret Service jailed Kevin as a political prisoner, they are afraid of his gun. The state of Arizona will not issue concealed weapon permit to crazy people, which is another reason to say that Kevin is being framed by the Secret Service.
FREE KEVIN WALSH home Page Kevin Walsh was a political prisoner who was jailed in a mental hospital by the Secret Service for his anti-Bush statements. Kevin Walsh has committed no crimes and the Secret Service has no evidence to charge Kevin Walsh with any crimes. |