I suspect if we get the information the government has on
Kevin that it will show that Kevin has done nothing wrong
and that they are holding him simply because they think
he is a creep.
Then the next step is to go to the media and groups like
ACLU and show them the information and ask them to either
help Kevin like or write an article about how the
government has locked up Kevin for political reasons.
[The ACLU is probably the most useless bunch of do-nothings that ever called itself
a civil rights organisation. --Kevin Walsh]
Probably the easiest way to get the information is to
have Kevin ask for it or get Kevin’s public defender to
ask for it. If Kevin asks for the information they can’t
jerk him around as easily as they can us.
The information is:
We can contact these folks and see if they are interested
in writing about or helping about Kevin
- GOA - Gun Owners of America
- NRA - National Riflemans Association
- 2600 - they have a secret service sucks page at their web site
It's called the Secret Service wall of shame
- Institute for Justice
Institute for Justice
202 E. McDowell Rd., Suite 257
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 252-3432
- Reason Magazine
3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 391-2245
- Liberty Magazine
P.O. Box 1167
Port Townsend, WA 98368
- Vin Suprynowicz – Las Vegas Review Journal
- New Times Weekly Newspaper
- College Times Weekly Newspaper
- Arizona Republic Crime Reporter
- Mesa Tribune Reporter (Bryon Wells)
- New York Village Voice
- Amnesty International
- Local phoenix moslin newspaper
- communist party - local
- Muslim voice
202 E McDowell Suite #165
Phoenix, AZ
- that communist newspaper they leave every week at the library
- NLG or national lawyers guild
National Lawyers Guild
National Office
143 Madison Ave 4th Fl.,
New York NY 10016
Phone 212 679-5100
FAX 212 679-2811
The two closest offices to phoenix are in LA and SF.
their addreses are:
Los Angeles NLG
8124 W. 3rd St. #201
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(213) 653-4510
San Francisco NLG
558 Capp Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 285-5067
And I even found some Arizona contacts
Arizona - Central
Vera Stiesmeyer, Phoenix, AZ
Arizona - Southern
Paul Gattone, Tucson, AZ
- Contact Jodie Snyder and Susie Steckner at the Arizona Republic who wrote this article
And these people who wrote the 2nd article
Susie Steckner and Jodie Snyder
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 7, 2004 12:00 AM
Feds threaten State Hospital
Funding at risk after review finds patients mistreated
Published on Aug. 6, 2004
I know in the past Kevin has filed lawsuits on his own
against the State of Arizona. It would be nice if we
could get the hospital to give him.
A computer so he can type up legal documents
- Access to legal books. Specifically the ARS laws
title 36
For mental health and
Title 13
is the criminal code
- internet access so he can research on the internet
and send people email I know the people who are
locked up in Sheriff Joe's jail have access to a
legal library. I don’t think it's unreasonable to
demand that Kevin have access to a legal library.
I don't know if we can get any other support but
it would be fun to have a demonstration to
"free kevin" outside of either the Secret Service
offices in Phoenix or outside of the mental hospital in